Sunday, October 22, 2023

Awakening the Eagle in YOU - 30-Day Procrastination Diet

  30-Day Procrastination Diet: Awakening the Eagle in YOU

Day 1-5: Foundational Thinking

Day 1 (Think): Journal Reflection - Write down the source of the belief that is holding you from success and wealth?

  • Day 2 (Act): Seek Inspiration - Read stories of entrepreneurs who've succeeded without self-destruction.
  • Day 3 (Think): Vision Crafting - Define what healthy success looks like.
  • Day 4 (Act): Affirmation Creation - Craft a positive affirmation counteracting the negative belief.
  • Day 5 (Goal): Commit to the Journey - Verbally commit to 30 days of awakening.

Day 6-10: Rebuilding The Mindset

  • Day 6 (Think): Identify Strengths - List out personal strengths and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Day 7 (Act): Skill Enhancement - Spend an hour learning a new entrepreneurial skill.

  • Day 11-20: Breaking Old Patterns
    • Day 8 (Think): Contemplate Wealth - Reflect on the positive impacts of wealth.
    • Day 9 (Act): Micro Venture - Start a small, risk-free venture, even as simple as a lemonade stand. Publish an ebook...
    • Day 10 (Goal): Celebrate Small Wins - Recognize and celebrate the success of the micro venture.

    • Day 11 (Think): Identify Triggers - Recognize patterns or situations triggering procrastination.
    • Day 12 (Act): Break a Pattern - Intentionally act against one identified trigger.
    • Day 13 (Think): Reflect on Fears - Understand the underlying fears of success.
    • Day 14 (Act): Confront a Fear - Take one small action that pushes against a fear.
    • Day 15 (Goal): Seek Feedback - Ask a friend for feedback on your progress.
    • Day 16-20 (Act): Daily Challenges - Each day, challenge an old behavior pattern linked to procrastination.

    Day 21-30: Unleashing the Eagle

    • Day 21 (Think): Vision Update - Refine the vision of personal success and the positive impacts of wealth.
    • Day 22 (Act): Mentorship - Seek advice from a local entrepreneur or online.
    • Day 23 (Think): Future Mapping - Visualize where you want to be in 5 years.
    • Day 24 (Act): Business Brainstorming - Think of three business ideas you'd love to explore.
    • Day 25 (Goal): Business Commitment - Commit to one business idea.
    • Day 26 (Act): Network - Reach out to one individual who can help guide or support your business.
    • Day 27 (Think): Legacy Contemplation - Reflect on the positive legacy wealth and success can leave.
    • Day 28 (Act): Financial Planning - Start basic budgeting and planning for future business.
    • Day 29 (Think & Act): Reflection & Planning - Reflect on the journey and plan next month's actions.
    • Day 30 (Goal): Commit to the Flight - Celebrate the month’s transformation and commit to ongoing growth.

    Remember, as Robin Sharma often says, "Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end." Best wishes to You on his transformative journey!